All rentals require a Credit Card to hold. $200 security deposit is due upon booking.
MF&C must be informed two weeks before scheduled reservation in order to receive a refund of the initial security deposit. No Exceptions.
Any outside food and drink is prohibited unless discussed with MF&C staff prior to making a reservation.
No food minimum is required during normal business days. $500 food minimum may be required on Sundays or off days. A 15% service charge is added into food sub-total.
MF&C must approve of any wall decorations or re-arranging of room. You are welcome to bring in your own flowers, candles or other decor.
Renter must check out with MF&C staff prior to departure. Room must be left the way it was found. Tables and chairs need to be cleared and all garbage and recycling collected. Brooms + mops are available for use.
MF&C reserves the right to charge the renter for any damage done to MF&C property.
By special request-the entire MF&C space is available for rent. This would include use of porch + outdoor patio space. Based on availability and will be quoted on an event by event basis.
MF&C can seat up to 30 people. MF&C will provide one food buffet table. Linens will need to be rented or you can bring in your own if utilizing folding table.
We appreciate a one-week notice for menu changes, QUANTITY increases or decreases. We require a 5 day notice for final number of guests. We require a 3-day notice for any changes to rental items.
Payment for events and service is due at the conclusion of the event We accept cash, check, or any major credit card.
All prices subject to change due to seasonal availability, final menu selection, current vendor costs + securing of other logistics. MF&C will not be responsible for providing items not listed on your proposal.